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The “PArCo Thursdays” conference series continues on Thursday 14 March, in the splendid location of the Curia Iulia.

For the occasion, Rossella Rea, archaeologist and director of studies at the Templum Pacis, and Riccardo Santangeli Valenzani, professor of medieval archaeology and urban archaeology at the University of Roma Tre, will present the contribution “The Temple of Peace: transformation of the urban landscape from the Forma Urbis to the modern age”, discussing the marble property map created under Septimius Severus and illustrating the transformations that the urban landscape has undergone from the time of ancient Rome up to the modern era.

The conference, coinciding with National Landscape Day, will begin at 16.00 and will proceed with Luigi Scaroina’s lecture “The discovery of a fragment of the Forma Urbis at the Temple of Peace” (project by M.G. Filetici). The conference will conclude with a projection of the multimedia reconstruction of the Forma Urbis and a guided tour of the Templum Pacis.

Event organized in collaboration with Electa.

Free entry subject to availability (100 seats, 30 standing)

Curia Iulia in the Roman Forum – Largo della Salara Vecchia Entrance

Event flyer 14 March


From the Event Flyer:

On the occasion of National Landscape Day

The Temple of Peace: transformation of the urban landscape from the Forma Urbis to the modern age.

Conference lead by Rossella Rea, Archaeologist and director of studies at the Templum Pacis, and Riccardo Santangeli Valenzani, Department of Humanities, University of Roma Tre


Followed by Luigi Scaroina

The discovery of a fragment of the Forma Urbis at the Temple of Peace (project by M.G. Filetici)

Projection of the reconstruction of the Severan monuments in the Forma Urbis from the exhibition Roma Universalis


Guided tour of the Templum Pacis by Rossella Rea

14 March, 16:00

Curia Iulia in the Roman Forum, Largo della Salara Vecchia

Free entry subject to availability (100 seats, 30 standing)